Svelvik Røde Kors SAR Games is an annual competition within the Search and Rescue (SAR) and First Aid fields. It goes over a weekend (friday afternoon to sunday lunch).
This competition was first seen in 1975, and was then called “Colargol” after a popular TV-bear at the time, it was held annually until 2012, when it went out of favour and was not seen again, until 2024. The 2024 competition even had international visitors, and we felt it was a huge success. we look forward to another one in 2025
What to expect
day 1) Friday night, 10 orientering posts with SAR related tasks. there is no running involved (for those who hate orientering runs). but each team will be given points for tasks performed. the different posts will have tasks that involve cooperation, communication, teamwork, search after small items, search after people, stretcher use, etc. the teams are expected to be in uniform for this exercise. the path is about 6km of walking.
day 2) Saturday day, 10 first aid scenarios around town. some of these are spectacular, and might have more injuried people than team members. but you might also meet an old lady on a bench just feeling down.. so you can expect traffic accidents, sick people, trauma, and other fun. the teams are expected to be in uniform for this exercise also.
Dinner: in the afternoon on saturday we take OFF our uniforms and put on civilian clothes. we join everyone for a dinner. if you would like to bring your own drinks this is allowed at this point.
Night time: after dinner, there will be a very few more posts/exercises to perform, this time in civilian clothes, and the tasks are more “fun” and less serious than the previous parts.
After these “social” posts are all done, we meet again to find the winner of the competition
Day 3) we serve breakfast and send you on your way
We encurage you to sleep on the floor of a local school (for free), if you want this, you need to bring your own mat and sleeping bag etc.
What to bring
you need to bring your uniform, reflective vest if you have one. we communicate with Nødnett (Tetra), but if you come from abroad, I guess you need to borrow some from us. also you need light equipment for night search. otherwise the first aid equipment you need will be provided. as SAR people we expect you to bring your kitchen sink, so we are not worried.
How to sign up
Fill in the form here